What’s Yosemite like now?
There’s plenty of information about Yosemite National Park you can find with Google from the National Park Service website, Wikipedia, and so on. But it’s a bit trickier to find out up-to-date information about what’s going on now. Here are some links that I’ve found helpful.
- Current conditions from the National Park Service, including road openings and delays
- Merced River flow information (measured at Happy Isles), so you know how big Vernal and Nevada Falls will be
- Yosemite Association live webcams
- Blog with daily photo, weather and other updates, from myyosemite.com
- Yosemite News discussion forum, to find out what other people are talking about
- Twitter search for “Yosemite”, to find out what other people are talking about in 140 characters or less
I’m sure that there are plenty more that I’ve forgotten or don’t know about; please let me know if the comments if you have a favourite source of Yosemite news.