Archive for the ‘Death Valley’ Category.
1 June 2009, 2:21 pm
(Now that I have your attention…)

Scotty's Castle
Having seen my quota of sights in the southern part of Death Valley yesterday, today I headed north in the morning. The road north runs over a series of alluvial fans, and as a result, seems more like a rollercoaster than a road in places.
Continue reading ‘Day 6: Brush with Death (Valley)’ »
31 May 2009, 3:35 pm
Most people think casinos and extravagent shows when they think of Las Vegas; however, I see it as a great place to begin a road trip. Three years ago I headed north to Utah (okay, via the Strip, where all the big casinos are), and returned via Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. This time I’m skipping the Strip and heading straight to Death Valley.
Continue reading ‘Day 5: Vegas to Valley’ »