Tioga Pass, May Lake and Mt Hoffman

The Tioga Road is open! This road, Highway 120, crosses Yosemite National Park from west to east, crossing the 3,031 m (9,943 ft) high Tioga Pass at the park boundary. The pass is the highest in California, so it’s understandable that the road closes over winter once the snows begin.

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Turtleback Dome and the perfect Yosemite vista

At any given moment, you’ll find the highest concentration in Yosemite of tour buses (and their occupants) at Tunnel View (sometimes known as Discovery View), which is where the Wawona Tunnel on Highway 41 enters the valley.  The reason of course is that the view there is spectacular and one of the iconic views in the park. (See for example this excellent HDR photo.) But is it the perfect vista?

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Welcome to WordPre^H^H^H^H^H^H^H my blog.  Stay tuned for posts about Yosemite, Death Valley, and more than you ever wanted to know about how I plan my overseas trips.